A Mont Kiara international school student Nayati Moodliar was allegedly abducted from the corner of Jalan Kiara 1 and Jalan Kiara while he was on his way to school at 7.45 this morning. A police report has been filed, but his whereabouts are still unknown.
Please, if you have see this child please call the Malyasian Police at 999, or the school at 0320938604. Please share. . There were two Indian male occupants. Please, if you have see this child please call the Malaysian Police at 999, or the school at 0320938604.
Please, if you have see this child please call the Malyasian Police at 999, or the school at 0320938604. Please share. . There were two Indian male occupants. Please, if you have see this child please call the Malaysian Police at 999, or the school at 0320938604.